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What is a Git Upstream Branch?


When working with Git, keeping local and remote branches in sync is crucial. An upstream branch is a remote branch that a local branch tracks. It acts as a reference point for pushing and pulling changes. When an upstream branch is set, Git automatically knows where to send updates and retrieve the latest code. This removes the need to specify the remote repository and branch each time.

Upstream branches are essential in collaborative development. Teams working on the same project often contribute code to a shared repository. Without an upstream branch, developers would have to manually configure their push and pull commands, increasing the risk of errors. Setting an upstream branch ensures that your local changes can be easily merged with the latest updates from the remote repository.

Tracking an upstream branch also helps in version control. Developers can monitor branch status, identify conflicts early, and ensure their local repository stays up to date with the latest modifications. Additionally, Git provides commands to check, modify, or remove upstream branches when needed.

With this guide, you will apprehend the steps to set, change, and check upstream branches. By understanding how upstream tracking works, you can optimize your Git workflow and improve efficiency when working on shared projects.

How to Set Upstream Branch in Git?

How to Set Upstream Branch in Git

Setting an upstream branch connects a local branch to a remote branch. This enables Git to track the branch and automatically determine where to push and pull changes. Without an upstream branch, you must specify the remote repository and branch each time you sync your work. Setting an upstream branch ensures a smoother workflow, specifically when connecting with a team.

There are numerous ways to set an upstream branch in Git. The most common method is employing the git push command with the -u flag. Another efficient approach is creating an alias to simplify the process. Below, we explore both methods in detail.

Method 1: Set Upstream Branch Using Git Push

The git push command is the most straightforward way to establish an upstream branch. Go with the steps mentioned below to set up tracking for your local branch:

Step 1: Guarantee You Are on the Apt Branch

Before setting the upstream branch, verify that you are on the apt local branch. To confirm your current branch, run:

git branch

This shows up all local branches list, with the active one marked by an asterisk (*).

If you need to switch to a varied branch, employ:

git checkout <branch-name>

Alternatively, if your Git version supports it, you can use:

git switch <branch-name>

Step 2: Push and Set the Upstream Branch

Once you’re on the correct branch, use the git push command with the -u (or –set-upstream) flag:

git push -u origin <branch-name>

This command does two things:

  1. Pushes your local branch to the remote repository (origin).
  2. Links your local branch to the remote branch in order to have future git push & git pull commands automatically reference it.

After running this command, you won’t need to specify the remote repository and branch each time you sync your changes.

Step 3: Verify the Upstream Branch

Once the upstream branch is set, you can confirm the tracking status by running:

git branch -vv

This command shows up a local branches list and their tracking information. If the upstream branch is correctly set, you will see an entry like:

* main  [origin/main]  Commit message...

This means the main branch is tracking origin/main, ensuring seamless synchronization.

Method 2: Set Upstream Branch Using Alias

If you frequently set upstream branches, typing out the full git push -u command each time can be tedious. Git permits you to construct aliases—shortened commands that perform predefined actions. This can make setting upstream branches quicker and more efficient.

Step 1: Create an Alias for Setting Upstream Branches

To create an alias, operate the given command:

git config --global alias.set-up "push -u origin HEAD"

This defines a custom alias named set-up, which pushes the current branch to origin & makes it as the upstream branch.

Step 2: Use the Alias for Faster Setup

Rather than entering the complete command, you can now use:

git set-up

This will push the existing branch to the remote repository and establish an upstream connection, just like git push -u origin HEAD.

Using an alias reduces typing effort and ensures consistency across projects. You can also modify or delete aliases using the git config command if needed.

Why Setting an Upstream Branch Matters

Setting an upstream branch simplifies collaboration and version control. Once a local branch tracks a remote branch, pushing and pulling changes becomes effortless. This reduces the chances of mistakenly pushing to the wrong branch or forgetting to specify the remote repository.

How to Change Upstream Branch in Git?

How to Change Upstream Branch in Git

At times, you may need to change the upstream branch linked to a local branch. This is common when teams restructure repositories, rename branches, or switch to a different remote branch as part of a new workflow. Updating the upstream branch ensures that your local branch continues tracking the correct remote branch for pushing and pulling changes.

Instead of deleting and recreating the local branch, Git allows you to modify its upstream reference directly. Below are the steps to check, update, and verify the upstream branch.

Step 1: Check the Current Upstream Branch

Before doing any modifications, it is signficant to recognize which upstream branch your local branch is currently tracking. To do this, run:

git branch -vv

This command provides a detailed list of local branches along with their corresponding upstream branches, if set. You will see an output similar to:

* feature-branch  [origin/old-branch]  Last commit message

This indicates that feature-branch is tracking origin/old-branch. If the displayed upstream branch is outdated or incorrect, you can update it using the next step.

Step 2: Change the Upstream Branch

To switch your local branch to track a different remote branch, use the –set-upstream-to option:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<new-branch>

Replace <new-branch> with the name of the new remote branch you desire to track. This updates the local branch’s upstream reference without affecting its commit history.

For example, if your local feature-branch was previously tracking origin/old-branch but should now track origin/new-branch, the command would be:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/new-branch

Alternatively, if you want to update the upstream branch and fetch the latest commits in one step, use:

git fetch origin

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<new-branch>

git pull

This ensures that your local branch is synchronized with the latest updates from the newly assigned upstream branch.

Step 3: Verify the Upstream Branch Change

Once the new upstream branch is set, verify the update by running:

git branch -vv

The output should now reflect the new upstream branch:

* feature-branch  [origin/new-branch]  Last commit message

This confirms that your local branch is now correctly tracking origin/new-branch.

Why Changing Upstream Branch Matters

Modifying the upstream branch is essential in several scenarios:

  • Branch Renaming: If a remote branch is renamed (e.g., develop changes to main), updating the upstream branch avoids connection issues.
  • Repository Migration: When switching repositories, local branches may need to track new remote branches.
  • Workflow Adjustments: If teams reorganize their Git workflows, some branches may need to track different upstream branches.

Keeping the correct upstream branch ensures smooth collaboration and prevents issues when fetching, merging, or pushing changes. 

Also Read: What are Git Checkout Tags and How To Use Them?

How to Verify Which Git Branches Are Tracking Which Upstream Branch?

How to Verify Which Git Branches Are Tracking Which Upstream Branch

When working with multiple branches, it’s essential to know which local branches are linked to upstream branches. This helps you manage synchronization, avoid conflicts, and ensure that you are pushing and pulling from the correct remote branch.

Git provides commands to check the tracking status of branches. These commands give insights into which branches are set to track upstream branches and whether they are up to date with their remote counterparts.

Method 1: Using git branch -vv for a Quick Overview

The most straightforward way to check the tracking status of local branches is by running:

git branch -vv

This command shows up a all local branches list, their associated upstream branches (if any), and the latest commit message.

For instance, the output may seem like this:

 develop       d4f7e8d  Initial commit

* feature-branch [origin/feature-branch]  9f3c1a2  Added authentication module

  bugfix        [origin/bugfix]  e7a8b5d  Fixed memory leak issue

Here’s what the output tells you:

  • The feature-branch is currently checked out (* symbol).
  • It is tracking origin/feature-branch.
  • The latest commit ID and message are displayed.

If a branch does not have [origin/<branch-name>] next to it, it means that it is not tracking any upstream branch. In such cases, you may need to manually set an upstream branch using git push -u or git branch –set-upstream-to.

Method 2: Using git remote show origin for Detailed Information

For a more detailed view of tracking relationships, run:

git remote show origin

This command provides an in-depth report about the remote repository, including:

  • The list of remote branches available.
  • The branches currently tracked by your local repository.
  • Fetch and push configurations.

A sample output may look like this:

* Remote origin  

  Fetch URL: https://github.com/user/repo.git  

  Push  URL: https://github.com/user/repo.git  

  HEAD branch: main  

  Remote branches:  

    develop      tracked  

    feature-branch tracked  

    bugfix       tracked  

  Local branches configured for ‘git pull’:  

    feature-branch merges with remote feature-branch  

    bugfix merges with remote bugfix  

This output helps you understand how your local branches map to remote ones. If a local branch is missing from the tracked list, you may need to configure an upstream branch.

Why Checking Upstream Branches is Important

Verifying which branches are tracking upstream branches helps prevent errors such as:

  • Accidental Commits to the Wrong Branch: Ensures that you are pushing changes to the intended remote branch.
  • Merge Conflicts: Helps identify discrepancies between local and remote branches before merging.
  • Untracked Local Branches: Detects branches that need to be linked to an upstream branch to avoid confusion.

Also Read: A List of Git Commands


Using upstream branches simplifies version control and improves team collaboration. When an upstream branch is set, Git automatically tracks changes between your local and remote repositories. This makes pushing and pulling updates seamless, lessening the necessity for recurring commands.

You can link an upstream branch while pushing changes using:

git push -u origin <branch-name>

If you are required to modify the upstream branch, the following command updates it:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<new-branch>

To check which branches are tracking upstream branches, run:

git branch -vv

A well-configured upstream branch keeps your repository synchronized with the latest code. It helps prevent merge conflicts and ensures smooth integration with team members’ work. Regularly reviewing your upstream settings can also help identify outdated or misconfigured branches. This keeps your workflow organized and prevents unnecessary conflicts when merging or rebasing. By applying best practices for upstream branches, you can maintain a structured and streamlined development process.

Arpit Saini

He is the Director of Cloud Operations at Serverwala and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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